Palo Duro Canyon Outfitters is the leading outdoor gear and apparel retailer in the Canyon and Amarillo area. Since 2020 we have offered the industry’s most popular brands for outdoor clothing including Patagonia, Kuhl, The North Face, Mountain Hardwear, Columbia Sportswear, Prana, Howler Brothers, and more!
We offer an unmatched selection of gear including tents and sleeping bags from great brands like Nemo Equipment and Mountain Hardwear. Packs from Osprey, CamelBak and other great brands! Camp stoves and camp kitchen from Primus and MSR.
Palo Duro Canyon Outfitters has an exceptional selection of shoes from top brands like Altra, Bedrock, Birkenstock, Blundstone, Chaco, Danner, Hoka, Keen, Oboz, Solomon, and others! Whether you are hiking, trail running, or just looking for a shoe to make your feet happy, we are here to help!
Located on the beautiful Downtown Canyon Square, just 12 miles from the gates of Palo Duro Canyon State Park. We are here to serve you! Our knowledgeable and friendly staff is here to help you get started on your outdoor adventure, help you dial in your gear, and even just talk about all things outdoors!

Welcome to Palo Duro Canyon Outfitters!
Where your adventure in the Canyon begins!
Photo by K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash
We carry all of the best brands in the outdoor industry
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